Learning Disabilities

Students With Documented Disabilities

Once admitted to Camden County College (CCC) and Our Lady of Lourdes School of Nursing (OLOLSON), students with documented disabilities including but not limited to learning disabilities may request academic accommodations in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Academic accommodations are available to students who meet established documentation guidelines. Policies and procedures have been established to encourage self advocacy, and to provide students with disabilities the same opportunities available to all students at OLOLSON.

What documentation is needed from a student?

Documentation should include a comprehensive evaluation that includes a diagnostic interview, assessment of aptitude, academic achievement and information processing, reporting of standard scores and percentiles, and a clinical summary. The report should include specific recommendations for accommodations and an explanation as to why they are necessary — Review documentation guidelines.

How do I obtain services?

Students with disabilities should contact the Director of the Office of Disabilities Support Services at Camden County College for initiate the process to obtain academic accommodations once accepted as a student at CCC and OLOLSON. Your documentation is confidential and will be kept at CCC and OLOLSON. Students should make an appointment to review details of services and make plans for the upcoming semester.

Will it prejudice my case, or help my case, to inform Admissions that I have a disability?

The Admission's committee at OLOLSON will evaluate your application the same way it evaluates all applications. The Admissions committee wants to admit students who will be successful at OLOLSON. They will evaluate your chances of success on the basis of information about your high school academic performance, TEAS V pre-admission exam score, pre-nursing general education GPA, and science GPA. For additional information about OLOLSON's admission procedures, please contact the Mrs. Mary Beth Sauter, Coordinator of Enrollment Services at 856-757-3726 or email at sauterm@lourdesnet.org. Documentation of your disability should be sent separately to the Office of Disabilities Support Services at Camden County College attention: Joanne Kinzy.

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