Learning Disabilities

Documentation Process

What "reasonable academic accommodations" are available for students?

Reasonable academic accommodations are individual and based on the nature of the disability and the academic environment. Some of the more common accommodations include extended time for tests, recording lectures, note-takers, scribe for testing, preferential classroom seating, and use of recorded books. Reasonable accommodations in a postsecondary environment may differ from those available to the student in secondary school. Depending on the nature of the disability and the accommodations requested, the amount of advance notice provided may impact on CCC's or OLOLSON's ability to provide accommodations.

Does Camden County College have a program or services for students with documented disabilities?

The college provides services to students with disabilities. Assistance is provided, but much of the responsibility for follow through is up to the student. Students who anticipate needing a great deal of structure and support should seriously consider a college with a comprehensive program.

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