Major Concepts of Our Lady of Lourdes School of Nursing Curriculum
The curriculum of Our Lady of Lourdes School of Nursing is based on eight major concepts integral to safe, quality, professional nursing practice. The concepts are clinical judgment, patient-centered care, teamwork & collaboration, evidence-based practice, safety, informatics, leadership, and professionalism.
Student Learning Outcomes
Our Lady of Lourdes School of Nursing graduates competent novice nurses who:
- Evaluate the effectiveness of clinical decision making by comparing observed outcomes against expected outcomes and modify solutions as needed.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of a patient-centered plan of care, and modify as needed, for patients across the lifespan.
- Collaborate with members of the interprofessional health care team when caring for patients across the lifespan.
- Integrate evidence-based practice when managing care for patients across the lifespan.
- Demonstrate effective use of risk reduction and quality improvement strategies to optimize patient outcomes.
- Utilize electronic resources and technology to communicate relevant patient information, mitigate errors, and support decision making for diverse groups of patients across the lifespan.
- Integrate leadership and management skills when organizing care for individuals and groups with complex needs across the lifespan.
- Assimilate integrity and accountability into nursing practice that upholds established regulatory, legal, and ethical principles.
Additional Information
- The student is expected to possess a working knowledge of computer applications which permits/supports the successful production of a word-processed document, and the ability to locate and retrieve information from the internet sources.
- A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 in college courses is required to enter Caring for Patient Across the Nursing I and Health Assessment.